Building Well Workplaces
Work Wellness is proud to announce that we recently co-wrote an article that has been published on the OHS Canada’s website. Read Cognitive health: a hidden challenge with tremendous workplace implications.
Welcome to
Work Wellness
Making Workplaces Better, Making People Better, Making Business Better
Our idea is that workplaces should be well places. Places where people can be safe, work as a team, be healthy, and do good. We are committed to helping organizations create and maintain these four pillars of a well workplace.
Organizations after all are only as good as their people. So, by making workplaces better, the people in them will be better – healthier, happier, and more productive – and organizations will perform better.
As the original Work Wellness, we have a history of supporting the whole workplace with leading-edge solutions. We look forward to being your coach, advocate, educator, and guide to building a well workplace.

We Support the Whole Workplace
Be Safe
Prevent injury and improve return to work options with ergonomics and safety services.
Be Healthy
Get a coach in your corner with corporate education or lifestyle counselling services.
Work As A Team
Improve company cohesiveness and productivity with cognitive wellness and lifestyle interventions
Do Good
Build a cohesive team by supporting your community with an event or program we help you plan.
Ergonomic Consulting & Assessments
No matter the setting or the issue our goal is to remove barriers to work. With over 25 years of experience we are experts in ergonomics and workplace services.

Working with our clients across Canada we offer a full suite of associated assessments and services. Our expertise is in providing objective information and solutions for workplace risks and challenges to help keep workplaces healthy and productive.