Wellness Resources
A little help from us.

Wellness Wheel
- Health Promotion
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- Ergonomics & Accommodations
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- RTW Planning & Ergonomics
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Tip Bank
Ergonomcis, wellness, safety, general health and seasonal tips
Ergonomic Wellness Tips
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Happy Feet
Ignored and taken for granted our feet work hard for us everyday. In the world of work between 1/3 – 1/2 of all workers spend more than 4 hours a day on their feet, making foot ergonomics a critical concern. In particular people working in retail and food services, in health care, in industrial settings, at casinos, and as mail carriers spend the most time standing and walking.
The first sign of a foot problem is usually fatigue and discomfort in the legs and feet. But it can rapidly become serious leading to low back pain, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, varicose veins, and an increased chance of arthritis in the knees and hips.
So how can you keep your feet happy? You can start by not overworking your feet (taking sitting breaks), wear comfortable shoes (1/4″ heel) and insoles, address health issues, and maintain a healthy weight. At work have the job and work environment evaluated for foot safety and comfort so you know where and how you stand.
Cool It Down to Sleep
Rock and Read
Become a Walker So You Don't Need to Use One
Ergonomic Wellness Tips
Share these tips and tricks
Happy Feet
Ignored and taken for granted our feet work hard for us everyday. In the world of work between 1/3 – 1/2 of all workers spend more than 4 hours a day on their feet, making foot ergonomics a critical concern. In particular people working in retail and food services, in health care, in industrial settings, at casinos, and as mail carriers spend the most time standing and walking.
The first sign of a foot problem is usually fatigue and discomfort in the legs and feet. But it can rapidly become serious leading to low back pain, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, varicose veins, and an increased chance of arthritis in the knees and hips.
So how can you keep your feet happy? You can start by not overworking your feet (taking sitting breaks), wear comfortable shoes (1/4″ heel) and insoles, address health issues, and maintain a healthy weight. At work have the job and work environment evaluated for foot safety and comfort so you know where and how you stand.
Cool It Down to Sleep
Rock and Read
Become a Walker So You Don't Need to Use One
Your Wellness is Our Top Priority
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